Mars Nightmare

Patrick McGrevy
3 min readNov 17, 2020

Log Day 378: 36 hours before it began

We’ve been habiting Mars for a little over a year now and I would say things are going well. Our main base has a lot going for it; a garden, cafeteria, gym, library, even a post office for when we get residential travelers. Right now it’s just me, my crew, and 11 other crews. That may sound like a lot, but with only five personal per crew within a space that’ll comfortably hold a few thousand, we have a lot of room. We are squad 7 out of the 12 total, so we came here after a lot of the initial setup was complete. Don’t get me wrong, there was a lot of work we had to do, and I’m proud of where we are at. When we hit the big day 365 we were completely ready to move in our residentials, which I consider a huge accomplishment across the board. Currently on Earth, these residents are training/preparing for space travel, and we on Mars are running extra tests just for security purposes.

My duties involve, well, dirt. I collect dirt with a couple of my squad mates and we transport it back to base. Getting samples is about a three day process; driving to location on day one, collecting dirt on day two, and finally driving back to base on day three. I’m not really much of a scientist, per say, but I know the hard work my crew and I do is important. Plus, I get paid a bucket ton of money for shoveling dirt and I get a free ride to Mars, after you know like two years of training.

So far, only the US populates Mars. From what I heard, China may be next. I don’t really pay attention to that sort of thing so don’t quote me on that when this is published in a book somewhere. Well I got to go now, Captain is calling for me and it sounds urgent (it usually is not).

Log Day 379: 12 Hours before it began

So that urgent thing from yesterday? Well it was important believe it or not. We have detected a UFO coming straight towards us. Our best guess is a ship that has lost its comms or maybe space debris. Everyone is running around trying to prep up in case of “invasion”. Having lived on this planet for a little over a year I think we would’ve seen at least a little action before now. We currently are split into two teams, A and B. A team, my team, are prepping for the chance that we are being invaded by, well, aliens. Team B is preparing for the chance that it’s just an asteroid or some other kind of space junk that we just need to leave the area for. My new duties involve transporting weapons, shields, basically anything we could use in a fight. I have to go to the bottom of our base, a basement actually, and bring everything up bit by bit. Welp my breaks over and I’m being called back to work. Signing off for now.

Log Day 379: 5 Hours Before it Began

Bad news. Really really bad news. A group of scientists figured out that not only is it a ship hurling towards us, but it isn’t man made. We are actually about to be attacked by aliens. I can’t believe I’m saying this on an official log. We haven’t been able to contact anyone on Earth for the last 3 ish hours, and it’s creating panic. Typically I don’t panic in most situations, but this one is starting to get to me. Everyone is strapping up like we’re soldiers in Halo, and we’re about to fight the Covenant. Got to go, maybe this will be my last log, we’ll see. Signing off.

Log Day 379: 1 Hour post invasion

I have this last chance to log everything that happened before these spider legged freaks get to me. We are not going to win. We’ve lost more than half our people, and more and more of these aliens are landing and attacking. I would best describe them as half spider, half Jabba the Hut looking freaks. I don’t think they know English either. What? No humor on my last dying breath? I was hit pretty hard out there and am currently in a medical room god knows where. I hear the fight happening outside. The screams. The splattering blood. The death. I’m nearly 95% sure I’m bleeding out as I record this. If this message reaches anyone else, ple — -

